My idea seemingly hasn't worked for me. I'll keep trying.

On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 09:17, Stuart McNicholas <>

> Dear Michael,
>    I think that the port number is hardwired in CCP4i2 on line 439 of
> $CCP4/share/ccp4i2/core/
>         transport = paramiko.Transport((sP.machine, 22))
> also there are various calls to the "paramiko" library which handles ssh,
> which do not pass a port number and so default to 22.
> This is all bad.
> I have attached a replacement for this file. Could you try making a backup
> of the above file and copying the attached file in its place.
> I have put a constant for the port number in the line
> near the top of the file. Then change this port number for what is
> suitable for you.
> If this works, then I will make the port number an option in the program.
> If not, then I will try something else.
> Best wishes,
> Stuart McNicholas
> On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 17:40, Michael Weyand <
>> wrote:
>> Dear CCP4I2 experts,
>> I'm trying to submit remote jobs via SSH within CCP4i2. Unfortunately,
>> we use a non standard SSH port.
>> So far, I'm not able to add any option within the CCP4I2 interface. For
>> job submission, I need something to do like
>> 'ssh -p XXXXX -Y ..... ccp4i-specific-command ...'.
>> Is there any chance to enter this '-p' SSH option within CCP4i2? I tried
>> already to define a "ssh command" via "Preferences".
>> But so far without any success.
>> I'm also wondering why there is a sshkey file option. If an user already
>> uses a ssh-key for a client/server connection, why is necessary to
>> re-input the key file again?
>> Any ssh between client and server should work from scratch ...
>> Any hints are highly appreciated,
>> Michael
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