Dear All

Apply now for structural biology services from Instruct-ERIC
Remote access available

Despite the challenges created by the current pandemic, Instruct Centre staff 
have been working within local guidelines to enable Instruct users to continue 
their research. As such, you can still apply to use services from 
Instruct<>, many of which are available 
via remote access, where samples can be sent for analysis without the need for 

For details of the services that are currently available, including those 
offering remote access, view our Technology Availability 
list<>. To apply, simply submit a 
research proposal<>. Funding is 
available for researchers working in Instruct-ERIC Member Countries and 

Priority access for research projects related to COVID-19

Instruct-ERIC is offering priority 
access<> to researchers that need to use 
our structural biology services for projects directly related to SARS-CoV-2 
viral proteins, with an accelerated review of research proposals relating to 
COVID-19. Simply submit a research proposal with COVID-19 in the title.

Instruct Theoretical and Practical Course: Integrative Structural Biology in 
Latin America

Applications are now open for the Instruct Theoretical and Practical Course: 
Integrative Structural Biology in Latin America, from 23 – 27 November 2020. 
This remote course, which is open to Latin American graduate students and 
postdocs, will cover a broad range of structural biology techniques, including 
X-ray crystallography, X-ray scattering, NMR and electron microscopy, with a 
focus on current strategies used to integrate the information gathered from 
different techniques.

To find out more and apply, visit the event 

Best wishes,

Instruct-ERIC Hub

Dr Claudia Alén Amaro
Senior Project Manager


Instruct-ERIC, Oxford House, Parkway Court, John Smith Drive, Oxford, OX4 2JY, 
Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 987629 +44 (0) 7494060412
Twitter: @instructhub<>


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