There you go Eleanor
Best wishes, — Savvas

# Task 41 parrot running cparrot
# Mini-MTZ input to HKLIN:
#   Data type       parameter  job        annotation                            
#   Reflections     F_SIGF     39         il_phaser.1.259: NULL_dname imported 
by job 39  
#   Phases          ABCD       39         il_phaser.1.259: NULL_dname imported 
by job 39  
mtzin /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/hklin.mtz
colin-phifom ABCD_PHI,ABCD_FOM
seqin /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/seqin.fasta
mtzout /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/hklout.mtz
xmlout /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/program.xml
cycles 3
solvent-content 0.6
ncs-mask-filter-radius 20.0
<html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE -->
 ### CCP4 7.1.014: cparrot            version 1.0.6 : 20/04/21##
 User: root  Run date: 25/ 6/2021 Run time: 12:41:49 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.


Copyright 2008-2010 Kevin Cowtan and University of York.

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please reference $$

 'Recent developments in classical density modification.'
 Cowtan K. (2010) Acta Cryst. D66, 470-478.


mtzin   /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/hklin.mtz
colin-fo        F_SIGF_F,F_SIGF_SIGF
colin-phifom    ABCD_PHI,ABCD_FOM
seqin   /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/seqin.fasta
mtzout  /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/hklout.mtz
xmlout  /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/program.xml
cycles  3
solvent-content         0.6
ncs-mask-filter-radius  20.0

PDB file: 
  Number of atoms read: 9432
PDB file: 
  Number of atoms read: 7264

MTZ file: /Users/savvass/CCP4I2_PROJECTS/julie/CCP4_JOBS/job_41/hklin.mtz
  Number of reflections:     22867        Number of columns:   7

Applying anisotropy correction:
|  -0.05391,  8.59e-17,    0.1649|
|  8.59e-17,   -0.1351, -3.06e-17|
|    0.1649, -3.06e-17,   -0.5043|

NCS from atomic model: 

NCS operator found relating chains A and B
 Polar rotation/deg: 89.9215,-0.233543,179.754
 Euler rotation/deg: -57.6965,179.708,122.771
 Source: xyz = (    -5.624,     9.951,     36.36)
 Target: xyz = (    -5.528,     38.96,     64.43)

NCS operator found relating chains B and A
 Polar rotation/deg: 90.0785,179.766,179.754
 Euler rotation/deg: 57.2294,179.708,-122.303
 Source: xyz = (    -5.528,     38.96,     64.43)
 Target: xyz = (    -5.624,     9.951,     36.36)

NCS operator found relating chains C and D
 Polar rotation/deg: 90.1347,-0.132348,178.552
 Euler rotation/deg: -100.677,178.528,79.5875
 Source: xyz = (    -17.66,     33.01,     93.38)
 Target: xyz = (    -17.88,     16.06,     7.398)

NCS operator found relating chains D and C
 Polar rotation/deg: 89.8653,179.868,178.552
 Euler rotation/deg: 100.412,178.528,-79.3228
 Source: xyz = (    -17.88,     16.06,     7.398)
 Target: xyz = (    -17.66,     33.01,     93.38)

-- Cycle: 1 --------------------------------

Suggested radius for solvent mask determination: 5.68666

NCS operator:   1
 NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     1.00   Multiplicity: 10
              Contiguity score:  1.000   Self-overlap score:  0.151
 NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.539, after:  0.581
 NXop old:  -57.7  179.7  122.8     -5.6   10.0   36.4     -5.5   39.0   64.4
 NXop new:  105.8  180.0  -74.1     -7.4   11.2   40.1     -7.3   37.8   60.9

NCS operator:   2
 NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     1.00   Multiplicity: 10
              Contiguity score:  1.000   Self-overlap score:  0.154
 NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.528, after:  0.577
 NXop old:   57.2  179.7 -122.3     -5.5   39.0   64.4     -5.6   10.0   36.4
 NXop new:  -94.6  179.8   85.4     -3.8   36.5   60.3     -3.8   12.5   40.6

NCS operator:   3
 NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     0.95   Multiplicity: 9
              Contiguity score:  0.999   Self-overlap score:  0.149
 NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.447, after:  0.606
 NXop old: -100.7  178.5   79.6    -17.7   33.0   93.4    -17.9   16.1    7.4
 NXop new: -140.4  179.8   39.7     -9.8   36.7   79.4     -9.9   12.4   21.6

NCS operator:   4
 NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     0.89   Multiplicity: 9
              Contiguity score:  0.998   Self-overlap score:  0.179
 NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.423, after:  0.588
 NXop old:  100.4  178.5  -79.3    -17.9   16.1    7.4    -17.7   33.0   93.4
 NXop new:  144.0  179.8  -36.0    -24.0   11.7   20.5    -23.7   37.5   80.6

NCS operator statistics:
 Operator_number  Mask_volume/ASU  Correlation
            1            1.001        0.911
            2            0.998        0.912
            3            0.954        0.863
            4            0.888        0.854

$TABLE :Cycle 1 Electron density histograms:
$GRAPHS :Protein:N:1,4,5,6::Solvent:N:1,7,8::Simulation:N:1,3,4: $$
rho_min rho_max   Simulatn P_init P_trgt P_mod  S_init S_mod $$
 -0.317  -0.282      0.000  0.000  0.017  0.008  0.000  0.000
 -0.282  -0.247      0.000  0.000  0.026  0.014  0.000  0.000
 -0.247  -0.212      0.002  0.002  0.036  0.024  0.000  0.000
 -0.212  -0.177      0.007  0.007  0.045  0.039  0.000  0.000
 -0.177  -0.143      0.022  0.019  0.057  0.056  0.003  0.000
 -0.143  -0.108      0.050  0.048  0.064  0.076  0.020  0.000
 -0.108  -0.073      0.093  0.094  0.071  0.081  0.069  0.000
 -0.073  -0.038      0.142  0.147  0.070  0.090  0.156  0.000
 -0.038  -0.003      0.172  0.175  0.072  0.091  0.234  0.000
 -0.003   0.032      0.172  0.173  0.068  0.085  0.237  1.000
  0.032   0.067      0.141  0.141  0.063  0.075  0.167  0.000
  0.067   0.101      0.099  0.094  0.057  0.071  0.080  0.000
  0.101   0.136      0.056  0.053  0.053  0.063  0.026  0.000
  0.136   0.171      0.029  0.026  0.049  0.053  0.006  0.000
  0.171   0.206      0.011  0.012  0.044  0.048  0.001  0.000
  0.206   0.241      0.004  0.005  0.038  0.038  0.000  0.000
  0.241   0.276      0.001  0.002  0.033  0.033  0.000  0.000
  0.276   0.311      0.000  0.001  0.030  0.025  0.000  0.000
  0.311   0.345      0.000  0.000  0.025  0.016  0.000  0.000
  0.345   0.380      0.000  0.000  0.021  0.014  0.000  0.000

Gamma 0.24162

Log likelihood:  2.920853e+04      Log likelihood (free):  0.000000e+00

$TABLE :Cycle 1 SigmaA statistics:
$GRAPHS :SigmaA statistics:N:1,2,3: $$
 1/resol^2  sigmaA(s)  sigmaA(w) $$
    0.012      0.682      0.675
    0.025      0.629      0.635
    0.035      0.659      0.664
    0.043      0.666      0.670
    0.051      0.619      0.638
    0.059      0.515      0.593
    0.066      0.452      0.656

> On 25 Jun 2021, at 15:34, Eleanor Dodson <> wrote:
> The extract from the  log file looks OK - can you send the whole log.txt?
> Eleanor
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2021 at 12:09, Savvas Savvides < 
> <>> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I am trying to run Parrot via CCP4-7.1.014 and the CCP4i2 GUI on a MacBookPro 
> (OSX 10.15.7) and keep getting the following error report as the program is 
> in the process of outputting SigmaA statistics.
> Below, I provide two pieces of information:
> (1) The Error message
> (2) The last page of the ouput file where the program ends up crashing with 
> the error message.
> Thank you in advance for any insights/input on this issue.
> Best wishes,
> Savvas
> ----------------------------
> Error Report for Job 41: Density modification - PARROT
> -ERROR- CTaskParrot:9 Error in wrapper parrot 0.0:: Failed starting external 
> process
> - this can be due to a number of things, but usually is due to the command 
> used by subprocess/QProcess not working for some reason.
> Missing input files, bad commands, non-functional programs etc. Check log 
> files and stdout.
> Process: cparrot
>  -ERROR- CTaskParrot:47 Error in wrapper parrot 0.0:: Error in checking 
> external process after completion
> exit status and  code: -11 -11
> ———--------------------
> -- Cycle: 1 --------------------------------
> Suggested radius for solvent mask determination: 5.68666
> NCS operator:   1
>  NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     1.00   Multiplicity: 10
>               Contiguity score:  1.000   Self-overlap score:  0.151
>  NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.539, after:  0.581
>  NXop old:  -57.7  179.7  122.8     -5.6   10.0   36.4     -5.5   39.0   64.4
>  NXop new:  105.8  180.0  -74.1     -7.4   11.2   40.1     -7.3   37.8   60.9
> NCS operator:   2
>  NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     1.00   Multiplicity: 10
>               Contiguity score:  1.000   Self-overlap score:  0.154
>  NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.528, after:  0.577
>  NXop old:   57.2  179.7 -122.3     -5.5   39.0   64.4     -5.6   10.0   36.4
>  NXop new:  -94.6  179.8   85.4     -3.8   36.5   60.3     -3.8   12.5   40.6
> NCS operator:   3
>  NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     0.95   Multiplicity: 9
>               Contiguity score:  0.999   Self-overlap score:  0.149
>  NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.447, after:  0.606
>  NXop old: -100.7  178.5   79.6    -17.7   33.0   93.4    -17.9   16.1    7.4
>  NXop new: -140.4  179.8   39.7     -9.8   36.7   79.4     -9.9   12.4   21.6
> NCS operator:   4
>  NCS masking: Mask volume as fraction of ASU:     0.89   Multiplicity: 9
>               Contiguity score:  0.998   Self-overlap score:  0.179
>  NXop refinement- correlation before:  0.423, after:  0.588
>  NXop old:  100.4  178.5  -79.3    -17.9   16.1    7.4    -17.7   33.0   93.4
>  NXop new:  144.0  179.8  -36.0    -24.0   11.7   20.5    -23.7   37.5   80.6
> NCS operator statistics:
>  Operator_number  Mask_volume/ASU  Correlation
>             1            1.001        0.911
>             2            0.998        0.912
>             3            0.954        0.863
>             4            0.888        0.854
> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>
> $TABLE :Cycle 1 Electron density histograms:
> $GRAPHS :Protein:N:1,4,5,6::Solvent:N:1,7,8::Simulation:N:1,3,4: $$
> rho_min rho_max   Simulatn P_init P_trgt P_mod  S_init S_mod $$
> $$
>  -0.317  -0.282      0.000  0.000  0.017  0.008  0.000  0.000
>  -0.282  -0.247      0.000  0.000  0.026  0.014  0.000  0.000
>  -0.247  -0.212      0.002  0.002  0.036  0.024  0.000  0.000
>  -0.212  -0.177      0.007  0.007  0.045  0.039  0.000  0.000
>  -0.177  -0.143      0.022  0.019  0.057  0.056  0.003  0.000
>  -0.143  -0.108      0.050  0.048  0.064  0.076  0.020  0.000
>  -0.108  -0.073      0.093  0.094  0.071  0.081  0.069  0.000
>  -0.073  -0.038      0.142  0.147  0.070  0.090  0.156  0.000
>  -0.038  -0.003      0.172  0.175  0.072  0.091  0.234  0.000
>  -0.003   0.032      0.172  0.173  0.068  0.085  0.237  1.000
>   0.032   0.067      0.141  0.141  0.063  0.075  0.167  0.000
>   0.067   0.101      0.099  0.094  0.057  0.071  0.080  0.000
>   0.101   0.136      0.056  0.053  0.053  0.063  0.026  0.000
>   0.136   0.171      0.029  0.026  0.049  0.053  0.006  0.000
>   0.171   0.206      0.011  0.012  0.044  0.048  0.001  0.000
>   0.206   0.241      0.004  0.005  0.038  0.038  0.000  0.000
>   0.241   0.276      0.001  0.002  0.033  0.033  0.000  0.000
>   0.276   0.311      0.000  0.001  0.030  0.025  0.000  0.000
>   0.311   0.345      0.000  0.000  0.025  0.016  0.000  0.000
>   0.345   0.380      0.000  0.000  0.021  0.014  0.000  0.000
> $$
> Gamma 0.24162
> Log likelihood:  2.920853e+04      Log likelihood (free):  0.000000e+00
> $TABLE :Cycle 1 SigmaA statistics:
> $GRAPHS :SigmaA statistics:N:1,2,3: $$
>  1/resol^2  sigmaA(s)  sigmaA(w) $$
> $$
>     0.012      0.682      0.675
>     0.025      0.629      0.635
>     0.035      0.659      0.664
>     0.043      0.666      0.670
>     0.051      0.619      0.638
>     0.059      0.515      0.593
>     0.066      0.452      0.656
> $$
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> <>


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