Dear all,

I installed the ccp4-7.1 and it loads fine but coot crashes with the
following error message.  I would really appreciate any help.

 [1m(filter-fileselection-filenames-state) [0m
 [1m(get-active-map-drag-flag) [0m
 [1m(use-graphics-interface-state) [0m
INFO:: imported
INFO:: coot_python initialized
Running python script
Good Morning Aaj30, Welcome to Coot version 0.9.6
 [1m(set-display-intro-string "Good Morning Aaj30, Welcome to Coot
version 0.9.6") [0m
Coot Python Scripting GUI code found and loaded.
Coot Python Scripting GUI code found and loaded.
 [1m(use-graphics-interface-state) [0m
Running python script /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/
 [1m(set-filter-fileselection-filenames 0) [0m
 [1m(unset-sticky-sort-by-date) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-on-read-pdb 21.00) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-on-read-pdb-c-only-flag 1) [0m
 [1m(set-density-size 12.60) [0m
 [1m(set-swap-difference-map-colours 0) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-for-map 14.00) [0m
 [1m(set-active-map-drag-flag 1) [0m
 [1m(set-idle-function-rotate-angle 1.00) [0m
Running python script /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/
Running python script /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/
Running python script /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/
 [1m(set-show-symmetry-master 1) [0m
 [1m(filter-fileselection-filenames-state) [0m
 [1m(get-active-map-drag-flag) [0m
 [1m(use-graphics-interface-state) [0m
Coot Scheme Scripting GUI code found and loaded.
Good morning aaj30. Welcome to Coot 0.9.6.
 [1m(set-display-intro-string "Good morning aaj30. Welcome to Coot 0.9.6") [0m
 [1m(set-display-lists-for-maps 0) [0m
load /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/coot-preferences.scm
 [1m(set-filter-fileselection-filenames 0) [0m
 [1m(unset-sticky-sort-by-date) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-on-read-pdb 21.00) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-on-read-pdb-c-only-flag 1) [0m
 [1m(set-density-size 12.60) [0m
 [1m(set-swap-difference-map-colours 0) [0m
 [1m(set-colour-map-rotation-for-map 14.00) [0m
 [1m(set-active-map-drag-flag 1) [0m
 [1m(set-idle-function-rotate-angle 1.00) [0m
load /Users/aaj30/.coot-preferences/xenops-symmetry.scm
 [1m(set-show-symmetry-master 1) [0m
 [1m(filter-fileselection-filenames-state) [0m
 [1m(get-active-map-drag-flag) [0m
Loading ~/.coot
. ------ Coot crashed - trying to diagnose -----
Guile 1.8.8
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation
Guile may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence;
certain other uses are permitted as well.  For details, see the file
`COPYING', which is included in the Guile distribution.
There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.
catching the crash log:
coot-exe: "/Applications/ccp4-7.1/libexec/coot-bin"
-rwxr-xr-x  1 aaj30  staff  9877812 Sep 10 12:15
Builder_info: CCP4, Oxfordshire, UK
Enabled: Enhanced-ligand-tools C++-11 Threads Boost-based-thread-pool
Goocanvas GSL LibCurl
Binary type: Darwin-MacOSX-10.9.5-x86_64-python-gtk2
git commit: 0b823e493e00c1199103369ddab6641e14560d00
Builder_info: CCP4, Oxfordshire, UK
[with python 2.7.16 embedded]
[with guile 1.8.8 embedded]
0.9.6 (revision-count 10625)
Darwin 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version
14.5.0: Sun Jun  4 21:40:08 PDT 2017;
root:xnu-2782.70.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
core: #f
No core file found.  No debugging



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