Donald Louis Dvorak Caspar, an early pioneer in the study of macromolecular 
assemblies, who coined the phrase 'Structural Biology', passed away the morning 
of November 27, 2021. Through his work, he unveiled key pieces of the logic 
underpinning the molecular processes of life:  he defined the symmetries that 
govern the structure of icosahedral viruses, the conformational switching that 
regulates the assembly of macromolecular systems, the relationship between 
molecular motions and the diffuse scattering appearing between Bragg 
reflections from protein crystals, and other advances. He never stopped talking 
about the things that intrigued him, and his unstoppable monologues inspired 
and educated a generation of scientists.

On behalf of Lee Makowski, Alexei Soares, and Robert Sweet

  Robert M. Sweet                       E-Dress:
  Scientific Advisor, CBMS: The Center for BioMolecular
                    Structure at NSLS-II
  Photon Sciences, Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.
  Upton, NY  11973     U.S.A.


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