Happy New Year Everyone! We are recruiting a postdoctoral associate as 
described below.

A postdoctoral position is available immediately at Fox Chase Cancer Center 
(Philadelphia, PA) for a highly-motivated individual in the field of structural 
biology and protein biochemistry.

Our lab aims to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the signaling 
events mediated by integrins, small GTPases, as well as kinases, which have 
strong implications in cancer progression, metastasis and other human diseases, 
and to translate these knowledge into inhibitor/drug discovery. For this, we 
employ a combination of techniques including protein crystallography, electron 
microscopy, binding kinetics analysis, functional assays in mammalian cells, 
and genetic analysis. Our study will facilitate efforts to discover novel 
targets for therapeutic intervention of immune system disorders, tumor 
metastasis, and many other related diseases. 

The candidate should hold a Ph.D. degree with strong experience in X-ray 
crystallography, protein biochemistry, and molecular biology. Prior experiences 
in mammalian cell culture, flow cytometry, drug screen, and cancer biology, are 
desired but not required. Fox Chase Cancer Center is a long-standing 
NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center with multidisciplinary research 
interests from basic biological sciences to drug development and clinical 
studies. The institute is located in a quiet, safe, friendly neighborhood at 
the outskirts of the city. It is one of the top-ranked work places for visiting 
scholars and postdoctoral researchers. We also offer an outstanding research 
environment and strong support for the career development for our scientists.

Please send a cover letter describing previous research experience and future 
plans, a current CV, a copy of graduate transcript, and a list of three 
references to: jinhua...@fccc.edu.

Selected Recent Publications

Zhang P, Azizi L, Kukkurainen S, Gao T, Baikoghli M, Jacquier MC, Sun Y, Maatta 
JAE, Cheng RH, Wehrle-Haller B, Hytonen VP, Wu J. Crystal structure of the 
FERM-folded talin head reveals the determinants for integrin binding. Proc Natl 
Acad Sci U S A. 2020. Epub 2020/12/09. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2014583117. PubMed 
PMID: 33288722.

Kukkurainen S, Azizi L, Zhang P, Jacquier MC, Baikoghli M, von Essen M, 
Tuukkanen A, Laitaoja M, Liu X, Rahikainen R, Orlowski A, Janis J, Maatta JAE, 
Varjosalo M, Vattulainen I, Rog T, Svergun D, Cheng RH, Wu J, Hytonen VP, 
Wehrle-Haller B. The F1 loop of the talin head domain acts as a gatekeeper in 
integrin activation and clustering. J Cell Sci. 2020;133(19). Epub 2020/10/14. 
doi: 10.1242/jcs.239202. PubMed PMID: 33046605.

Cho EA, Zhang P, Kumar V, Kavalchuk M, Zhang H, Huang Q, Duncan JS, Wu J. 
Phosphorylation of RIAM by Src Promotes Integrin Activation by Unmasking the PH 
Domain of RIAM. Structure. 2020. Epub 2020/12/05. doi: 
10.1016/j.str.2020.11.011. PubMed PMID: 33275877.

Chang YC, Su W, Cho EA, Zhang H, Huang Q, Philips MR, Wu J. Molecular basis for 
autoinhibition of RIAM regulated by FAK in integrin activation. Proc Natl Acad 
Sci U S A. 2019;116(9):3524-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818880116. PubMed PMID: 
30733287; PMCID: PMC6397589.

Best wishes,
Jinhua Wu Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Molecular Therapeutics Program
Fox Chase Cancer Center W410
333 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19111
215-728-2867 (office)
215-728-3616 (fax)


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