Dear All,

This School will be held in person at the Chemical Engineering Department of IST if Lisbon University.

The program of the School will be focused on X-ray crystallography of powders, small molecules and proteins, covering from the fundaments of Diffraction to the latest developments in each field.

It will be directed to young students: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and young scientists who want to learn about crystallography, either because they are working on their Master or PhD degrees, or they want to extend their knowledge in this leading and exciting scientific area.

Theoretical and practical lectures, hands-on tutorials, and laboratory practical sessions are planned. The attendees will be divided into small groups for tutorials and laboratory practical sessions, so that they can have hands-on experience.

More information and the registration form can be accessed at:

Best regards,

Pedro Matias


Industry and Medicine Applied Crystallography
Macromolecular Crystallography Unit
Phones : (351-21) 446-9100 Ext. 1669
         (351-21) 446-9669 (direct)
 Fax   : (351-21) 441-1277 or 443-3644

email :

Mailing address :
Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica António Xavier
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. da República
2780-157 Oeiras

ITQB NOVA, a great choice for your PhD

Master Programme in Biochemistry for Health


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