Dear colleagues,

we would like to remind you of the upcoming EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course:

The course will take place in Grenoble (France) from 20th-24th June 2022, and will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of SAXS/SANS on biomacromolecular solutions.

The course will take place as an in-person event and we encourage candidates to apply by the deadline of March 31st.

Inscription fees are moderate for PhD students and postdocs (200 euros) and cover both accommodation and meals. A limited number of travel grants (both from EMBO and IUPAB) are also available.

Best regards,
Frank Gabel
(On behalf of the organizers: Anne Martel (ILL), Petra Pernot (ESRF), Mark Tully (ESRF) and Frank Gabel (IBS))


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