Dear all,

Greetings from Munich. I hope everything is well with you. I am writing to
take input on a problem related to the structure solution of a
protein-ligand complex.

I have crystallized a protein (7.6kDa) with a ligand (5.2kDa). The crystal
diffracted to *2.71 Angstron*, and the data were processed using XDS.
During the XDS processing, Pointless suggested data be either P6222 (180
space group) or P6422 (181 space group) with a 98% probability.
The data were processed as *P6422*.

Afterward, I ran Phaser MR with protein's PDB as a search ensemble, and I
found a good solution (with a good TFZ score) for protein alone, where I
could see some weak density for my ligand.
In the next step, I ran Phaser MR with a *modeled PDB* of the Ligand as
search ensemble + *using the partial solution from the previous Phaser MR
run of Protein*. This Phaser MR run gave me a good fit of ligand onto
protein surface with nice density for both molecules.

Next, I went ahead with the refinement of this complex. The R-free, in the
beginning, was 0.55. In the first round of refinement, it went down to
*0.53,* but in the subsequent rounds, it even* increased*. I am stuck at
this point and unsure how to proceed. I tried different strategies to
refine it, but nothing worked.
Could the space group have been wrong? How can I make sure that? I can
provide a more detailed explanation to help you better understand the
I appreciate your suggestions and input on this matter.

Kind regards,
Ph.D. student,
LMU Munich, Germany.


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