Hi Robert,

two points -

a) before you tried to update, did you
source /where/ever/ccp4/bin/ccp4.setup-sh
? The above applies to bash; for (t)csh you need to 
source /where/ever/ccp4/bin/ccp4.setup-csh

That sets the PATH environment variable such that you don't always have to 
specify the absolute path when you want to run a CCP4 program, AND it also 
makes sure that CCP4 programs such as ccp4um find other CCP4 binaries that they 
need. Without that "sourcing" I can imagine that an update is not possible.

b) since ccp4i seems to start: did you tick the box(es) that specify the 
available update(s)? You have to do this before clicking "Proceed".



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