The NRZ-Authent welcomes applications for a Data Scientist position.

The National Reference Center for Authentic Food (NRZ-Authent) at the Max Rubner-Institut is one of the main instruments of a strategy that aims to support the work of official food monitoring in Germany. The center has been established in accordance with EU Control Regulation (EU VO 2017/625) and reports to the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

The responsibilities of this position include
- Contribute to the set up of the infrastructure for reference databases
- Development of applications for matching data with reference data
- Implementation of algorithms, training strategies and tests
- Design, build and develop machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in collaboration with database users.
- Design of user-friendly integrations of AI solutions into database systems

For detailed information and instructions of how to apply, please follow this link:

Dr Andreas Hofmann
National Reference Centre for Authentic Food (NRZ-Authent)
Max Rubner-Institut
E.-C.-Baumann-Str. 20
Germany, 95326 Kulmbach

Dr Andreas Hofmann


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