Oh, I hadn’t thought of trying that, that works!

Obviously it would still be great if this issue was fixed (I guess it’s MacOS 
rather than PyMOL that’s to blame here), but this is a decent workaround.



Dr. Julia Griese
Assistant Professor/Docent
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Uppsala University
BMC, Box 596
SE-75124 Uppsala

email: julia.gri...@icm.uu.se
phone: +46-(0)18-471 4982

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Nicholas Clark 
Reply-To: Nicholas Clark <ndcla...@buffalo.edu>
Date: Monday, February 6, 2023 at 12:46
Subject: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Issues with Coot and PyMOL on MacOS Ventura 13.2

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nicholas Clark <ndcla...@buffalo.edu<mailto:ndcla...@buffalo.edu>>
Date: Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Issues with Coot and PyMOL on MacOS Ventura 13.2
To: Julia Griese <julia.gri...@icm.uu.se<mailto:julia.gri...@icm.uu.se>>


I have the same issue with PyMOL. After it opens the blank session, if you 
return to the file explorer and try to reopen the file it will open the session 
correctly. Seems what you’re trying to open gets “lost” while loading PyMOL.


Nick Clark

On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 5:38 AM Julia Griese 
<julia.gri...@icm.uu.se<mailto:julia.gri...@icm.uu.se>> wrote:
Hi all,

I’ve recently upgraded to MacOS Ventura (yes, I regret giving in to my 
computer’s nagging) and am now encountering some issues with Coot and PyMOL. 
The issues persist after updating to version 13.2.

Regarding Coot version<>: The rotate/translate zone 
function does not work properly. Everything works when using the slider bars in 
the dialog, and translating with the mouse works, but rotating with the mouse 
does not work. The region to be rotated disappears from view. I can make do 
with the slider bars, but feel that I have much better fine control and it’s 
much faster when using the mouse to rotate. Has anyone else encountered this 
problem and knows of a workaround?
(I’m aware of the workaround for the main window disappearing when you delete 

Regarding PyMOL version 2.5.4 (had the same issue with 2.4.1): When I try to 
open any kind of file that is set to open in PyMOL by default (pdb or cif 
coordinates, pse), PyMOL opens, but to an empty session. I can only open PyMOL 
files through the File Open dialog, having to navigate through the entire 
folder structure first, which obviously takes much longer. Has anyone else 
encountered this issue and knows how to fix it?



Dr. Julia Griese
Assistant Professor/Docent
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Uppsala University
BMC, Box 596
SE-75124 Uppsala

email: julia.gri...@icm.uu.se<mailto:julia.gri...@icm.uu.se>
phone: +46-(0)18-471 4982

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Nicholas D. Clark (He/Him)
PhD Candidate
Malkowski Lab
University at Buffalo
Department of Structural Biology
Jacob's School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
955 Main Street, RM 5130
Buffalo, NY 14203

Cell: 716-830-1908
Nicholas D. Clark (He/Him)
PhD Candidate
Malkowski Lab
University at Buffalo
Department of Structural Biology
Jacob's School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
955 Main Street, RM 5130
Buffalo, NY 14203

Cell: 716-830-1908


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