Hello everyone,

we connected an Oxford Cryo 800 with the windows PC of our Bruker
Diffractometer via network cable (as I didn't have a USB-cable at hand).

The Oxford Cryo 800 runs a dhcp-client. Is it possible to set up a
local dhcp-server with Win 10 in order to assign a local IP-address to
the Oxford Cryo 800? Unfortunately, there is no linux computer nearby.

I search up and down, but it seems that it requires a Windows Server
installation to enable a dhcp-server?


P.S.: I posted this on the Bruker mailing list last Friday, but heard
no response, hence this cross-post.

Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202



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