Dear all,

NCCAT is pleased to announce we are accepting applications for our cryoEM short 
course on March 11-15, 2024. Applications will be due January 1, 2024 at 5pm ET.

This 1-week in-person short course will be an immersive experience in the art 
and science of cryoEM held at the Simons Electron Microscopy Center housed at 
the New York Structural Biology Center in NYC, USA. The mornings offer lectures 
and stimulating round table discussions. The afternoons provide hands-on 
practicals to reinforce fundamental concepts and topics covered earlier in the 

For information and to apply please visit .

Lecturers include:
Joachim Frank (Columbia University)
Victor Chen & Wen Jian (Purdue University)
Fred Sigworth (Yale University)
Amedee des Georges & Reza Khayat (CUNY)
Rich Hite (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
Piliar Cossio (Flatiron Institute)
Jack Turner (EMBD/EMPIAR)
Oli Clarke (Columbia University)
Gira Bhabha & Damian Ekiert (New York University)

Ed Eng

The Transformative High Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy Program

Edward T. Eng, Ph.D.
Simons Electron Microscopy Center
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Ave, NY, NY 10027 | (212)939-0660 x344


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