The idea of "Global Sustainability" can be found in the documents for the noted 
projects, so the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals" appear to be 
worth reviewing as background - even though it appears the UN or UNESCO (below) 
is irrelevant to them :

“Transformation is the red thread running through all the Sustainable 
Development Goals, the United Nations’ agenda for responding to global 
challenges facing humanity and the planet. Setting our world on a more 
sustainable course requires radical shifts in current development paradigms 
that are exacerbating inequalities and imperilling [sic] our common future. 
This transition is dependent on new knowledge, research and competences that 
only higher education institutions are in a position to provide, rooted in 
their historic role of service to society.”
“In 1964, inspiring the 1968-student revolt a couple of years later, Herbert 
Marcuse wrote a key text against “one dimensional man”, urging universities and 
campuses around the world to become places that resisted reductionism. ”


Parr, et. al.

“Knowledge-driven actions: transforming higher education for global 


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