While I've not yet completely forgiven Mr. Keys for swiping a van load of VAX systems (including a bunch of MicroVAX 3100, 4000/VLC, etc) over a decade ago when I had offered him some wide format printers and large monitors, I'm willing to talk to him and see what can be done if others are also interested in this.

On Fri, 4 Sep 2015, Al Kossow wrote:

Saw this in AFC

Another water damaged collection heading to the landfill


Subject: Houston (and everywhere else), we have ... an opportunity
From: hlctmi...@gmail.com
Injection-Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2015 15:37:06 +0000

My name is John Keys, and I incorporated the Houston Computer Museum in May=
2003 as 501(c)(3) non-profit.

I've been good at collecting things.  I've have various PDPs, an HP3000, SE=
L 810A, SDS 910, and a Cray YMP/EL8.  I have an IBM 083 card sorter and sev=
eral keypunchs (models 024, 026, 029 and 129).  I have over 1,200 books and=
manuals.  And those are just a small sample.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that it's all in storage, in my home, or in a 3,300 square-=
foot warehouse.  I don't have exhibit space.  You might have heard that it =
rains in Houston;  the warehouse has flood damage that needs to be mitigate=

I haven't been good at getting the 21st century to work for me, and this is=
where you come in.  I need a functional web page, one that makes it easier=
for people to donate online.  I need a contact email link that works.

If you can help me get this done, I'd be grateful.

What's at stake?  I'm 70 years old, and if I can't make a go of this, all t=
hat equipment will get recycled or hauled off for scrap or dumped in a land=
fill.  And all of that documentation will go with it.

If you can help me with web hosting and web page design, let me know.  Advi=
ce is nice -- I've had lots of it -- but what I really need is people who c=
an step up and do what I haven't done. I need help in cleaning all these ar=
tifacts that were damaged by the flood. Contact me by email discuss how you=
can help.

If there are enough people out there who care about this stuff, we can do t=
his.  You don't have to live in Houston.  You don't have to live on the Gul=
f Coast.  It's even OK if you don't live in Texas.

To donate online, go to http://www.hlctm.org/services.htm and click on "Don=

To contact me, send email to hcmjkeys at yahoo dot com.

Once we have something presentable, come visit.  And thanks very much for r=
eading this.

John Keys

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