On 10/24/15 11:40 AM, tony duell wrote:
That's pretty much what I figured.  I took a closer look at one of the
other dead XT2190s I have that I'd opened up to inspect awhile back and
there are a few ICs surface-mounted to the flat ribbon cable running to
the head assembly.  I suppose it's likely that one of these has failed,
though actually repairing it would be a trick involving some very
careful disassembly in a very clean environment.  (And a nonexistent
service manual.)
I have had (in other devices) dry joints on SMD devices on flexiprints. But
resoldering them inside the HDA is not going to be easy...

Most likely those ICs are head switch/preamp devices and the servo head
preamplifier. They are very likely to be custom.

On older/larger drives (the sort of thing I am more likely to work on) the ICs 
often DIL packages on a normal PCB. Often you couldn't replace them without 
the HDA :-(. Micropolis had a nice feature on the 1200 series (8" hard drives) 
though --
the PCB was mounted over a hole in the HDA casing (obviously with a gasket). 
The heads
were wired to the inside face of the PCB, the cable to the logic board plugged 
into the
outside face. The ICs were plugged into turned pin sockets on the outside. So 
on that
drive you could field-replace them. They were custom chips, though. And of 
course you
couldn't replace soldered parts, like the decoupling capacitors as the solder 
joints formed
part of the HDA seal...


- Josh

So, a quick update here (and some idiocy on my part):

I (carefully) opened up the Symbolics' XT-2190 and took a quick look; the rubber bumper that Joseph mentioned (and it is rubber in this one -- my other opened drive has a plastic bumper) has started crumbling/turning to goo. Portions of it had already chipped off. This bumper acts as both the start and end stop for the head assembly.

I removed the remainder of it (it's held on with a circlip) and spun the drive up (to see if they had just been stuck to the bumper) to the same effect as before -- the heads recal and then it just buzzes. Then I gave the heads a nudge just to see what would happen, and... they ran off the end of the platters (no stop anymore) and well, I feel kinda stupid. Sigh.

To add insult to injury, one of the heads is loose (the glue holding it on dried up and it fell off after the impact of running off the platter) so this drive is basically toast. At least now I can kind of see how one takes this drive apart to remove the spindle; if I get overly ambitious and find a working sacrificial XT2190 to start with I could almost see myself doing a spindle replacement surgery to see if I can recover the data.

I think I'll stick to solid state devices for awhile.

- Josh

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