Now that would be a find.

As it so happens one of the guys who worked with me at NL
lives locally and we are both on the local council so I see him often.
 In fact his wife (also councilor) was here yesterday.
As he was still there after I left to join DEC he may know more.

The keyboards some were not cherry.
There was one type that counted through a matrix until it found the
connected crosspoint and stopped the count. The count was your key code.

The early ones were blue and the later ones brown and gray I think.

My wife worked at a local building society and they had some.
One day I showed her a label on the back of hers stating
'Tested OK RVS' (needless to say RVS is me) and a date
before we even met.  Coincidences are great.

I'd love to get it running for old times sake.

On 10/11/15 18:00, tony duell wrote:
I remember joining DEC in early October 1973. At the time I was working
for a small local company called Newbury Labs.
When I was an undergraduate at Cambridge University (1985-1988) they were
still using (somewhat later) Newbury terminals on the mainframe. Due to the
metal cases they were often known as 'biscuit tins'.

I rescued one when they were being cleared out, I probably still have it 
It has a separate keyboard (just an array of switches) and I think has a 
editing mode (probably totall different commands though). I remember inside 
a monitor PCB on the back of the upper part of the case and one or two boards
full of logic. Probably a microprocessor in there, and quite a bit of TTL. I 
some 74181 ALUs (of all things!)


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