On 2/4/2016 9:30 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
I was there on a tour, a few years earlier. I think they still had the model 195 at the time. A vast facility filled with big blue boxes.
They had two 195's at McAuto in STL. We may have gone on the same tour, probably in 72 or so. I am not sure if it was organized by the ACM in Rolla or if you went at a later time.

A later tour of the new facility had made arrangements for similar real estate to the original building, but the main computer room had a small cluster of systems in the middle of a big empty room which was quite amusing. And we were in an observation gallery which was actually converted raised floor area they converted to office use after the original design was well under way. Almost 1/2 of the space was used for offices but was originally going to be computer floor.

Anyway, if this was a facility like the Mc Auto facility we toured there was a processor and tape floor, DASD on the next floor down, and the basement had systems with printers and power. The tape library and cpu systems was on the top main floor.

This could have been in such a facility. Mc Auto was designed to be vertical so the channel cables could be dropped to storage directors on the floor below from systems above.

The printing was done with 360/40's and the like, and was for people who needed local printing (and they had a lot of it).


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