On 04/23/2016 10:37 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
     > From: Jules Richardson

     > I can't see the point in modern upgrades .. At the point where people
     > start adding emulated storage, USB interfaces, VGA display hardware
     > etc. it stops being a vintage system and starts being a modern version
     > which just happens to still have a few vintage parts.

I agree with you to some degree, but...

Some components are just hard/impossible to find now - like old original disk
drives (seen any RP0x's for sale recently?)

True. I think my personal view is that I'll consider modern replacements to things when it's impossible to use the originals - but not simply for reasons of speed, cost, convenience.

running the disks is both non-trivial (power/heat) and risks damaging
what are effectively museum pieces.

There I'd just say run them until they break and can't be fixed, and then they can become static museum exhibits. Slight caveat there though that every effort is made within the community as a whole to document the hardware before there are no operational examples left.

building a board that uses an SD memory
card to emulate an RP0x, that's within my grasp. And it takes a lot less room
and power, to boot.

To me it's not nearly as much fun, though... I want the sights and the sounds of the original hardware, warts and all.

As I mentioned in a reply to Tony though, I don't mind modern equivalents when there's no choice; my issue's really just with using those equivalents when in the possession of operational originals, and with adding functionality using modern components.

Also, the _systems_ were designed to have upgrades installed, and did, BITD -
many of which were not conceived when the machine first came out. E.g. our
11/45 at LCS wound up with 1MB MOS memory boards in it (much smaller and less
power-hungry than the original memory), and high-speed LANs, neither of which
were ever envisaged when the machine was built.

I've no problem with that at all, within a vintage context. I don't mind some ancient board being used in some even-more-ancient machine - but at the same time I wouldn't want to use a board that takes whatever memory modules people are sticking into PCs these days.

I couldn't come up with any kind of cut-off date for what I'm comfortable with, although I suppose a lot of it comes down to not using examples of anything that couldn't have been done during the system's typical operational lifetime.

I don't see that building, say, a UNIBUS USB interface now is really that
different from building a high-speed LAN board BITD.

I think there I'd be asking myself what the purpose of the USB interface was - and if a 'period' equivalent which achieved the same end result was feasible.



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