windows 95 - yea, even bill gates stated that windows 95 was the pinnacle.

ease of installation - maybe due to the fact that the bulk, if not all of us here are experienced users, I've never understood the belly-aching concerning installation. Not for DOS/windows, not for OS/2, not for BSD, not for Linux, not for Solaris. Specifically when you are giving the installer the entire disk for the OS as a new system install. Just grab the disk then go. Other settings, like network, even if it is dhcp, have to be added somewhere, be it during the install or after the fact.

OS/2 vs the windows GUI - sorry, but the best that anyone is going to be able to convince me on here is personal preference. Its a GUI on top of the OS where end users double click icons.

Aside from the single thread input queue on early WPS, the sole advantage I ever saw that windows had over OS/2 was that early on, the *.ini files were text based on windows vs binary on OS/2. At some point, ms followed IBM and moved to binary *.ini files. I don't remember at what version.

There were nice GUI based applications (3rd party) for editing OS/2 *.ini files, but it was never as nice as having actual ASCII text based files.


On 07/17/16 09:48 AM, Liam Proven wrote:

I am ambivalent. I don't particularly like it any more, but the
reasons are secondary: the poor security, the copy protection, the
poor performance because of the requirement for anti-malware, etc.

The core product was pretty good once. Windows 3.0 was a technical
triumph, Windows for Workgroups impressive, and Win95 a tour de force.
For me, Win 2K was about the peak; XP started the trend of adding
bloat, although it did have worthwhile features too.

Win95 was vastly easier to get installed & working than OS/2 2, it had
a better shell -- sorry, but it really was -- better compatibility and
better performance. No, the stability wasn't as good, but while OS/2 2
was better, NT 3.x was better than OS/2 2.x et seq.

It would be technically possible to produce a streamlined,
stripped-down Windows that was a bloody good OS, but MS lacks the
will. Shame.

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