On 7/29/2016 12:51 PM, Paul Anderson wrote:
Hi Andrea,

I replied but maybe you didn't get it. I'll check me sent file later.

You have a unit with power supply , CPU, and no boards?

Which boards do you need?

Thanks, Paul
I also sent along a reply, and am interested if Andrea can't swing it, or noone else does. (in the main board, etc).

I have a 350 and 380 with no hard drive, and would like to replace the drives and restore the systems to operation of some sort.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 1:58 PM, shadoooo <shado...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Paul,
hope you are fine now.
I'm interested too to Pro380 boards, because I have a machine with almost
no expansion.
I'm trying to contact you since weeks, sent some emails but never received
an acknowledgement.
Maybe there are problems with spam-killers?

Please check your email and let me know if you didn't receive anything.


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