
I don't usually post here so if I am somehow posting wrong please tell me.

This popped up on the VCF yesterday and I have been talking with the guy
and am going to go pick it up on Sunday, I will be picking up the computer
and the software and hopefully all the manuals too. I am going to archive
all the software and manuals that do not already exist on the internet.

Just thought I would put that out there...

(VCF Thread Link:

Thank you

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Jason T <silent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Ken Seefried <seefr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Noticed this on Nekochan:
> > http://forums.nekochan.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16731198
> This is making me a bit sad.  Not over the fact I can't take on
> another computer the size of a small car - those days are likely
> behind me and for good reason - but that this is in that class of
> machines that will likely never be emulated in software.  I'm guessing
> it's far more due to IBM having never released anything close to
> technical documentation on the architecture than pure lack of
> interest, given the obscure machines that have been emulated.
> It's not far from me.  Maybe I can rescue the docs...

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