actually, it appears the machine is emulated in MAME

On 11/22/16 11:12 AM, Anders Sandahl wrote:
> Not that I'm aware of. I can do it, but I don't have daily access to the 
> machine so it will take a couple of months.
>> has the firmware been dumped from this?
>> On 11/21/16 6:54 AM, Anders Sandahl wrote:
>>>> On 11/18/16 12:02 AM, Pontus Pihlgren wrote:
>>>>> This is great! Thanks Mattis, Jonas and Al.
>>>>> Somewhere I have an early DNIX system image from a development machine.
>>>>> I don't know if that is interesting to put on bitsavers as well?
>>>> yes, I think so
>>> And I have documentation and software to the Luxor ABC1600 as well.
>>> Temporary link:
>>> Most of it is in Swedish though.
>>> /Anders

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