On 11/01/17 22:20, Adrian Graham wrote:

I've got some good results with the dz80 disassembler on linux, it actually
does a decent job of recognising the text and shows it as such:

     db    'Telephone Details'            ; 1799
     dw    X0401        ; 17aa   01 04      ..
     dw    X0805        ; 17ac   05 08      ..
     db    17h                    ; 17ae .
     db    'Select number to change'        ; 17af
     dw    X0601        ; 17c6   01 06      ..
     dw    X0800        ; 17c8   00 08      ..
     db    1bh,0dh                    ; 17ca ..
     db    '1   PBX Ext.   Direct Line'        ; 17cc
     dw    X0901        ; 17e6   01 09      ..
     dw    X0800        ; 17e8   00 08      ..
     dw    X0d1a        ; 17ea   1a 0d      ..
     dw    X2032        ; 17ec   32 20      2
     db    20h,6                    ; 17ee  .
     db    'Pre-Dial Pause (secs)'            ; 17f0
     db    1                    ; 1805 .

Thanks all!

The byte before each string is the length (17h = 23 = 'Select ...change').

In the case of the PBX Ext string the 0dh is the first character, and the length is 1bh / 27.

The Pre-Dial string is length 1ah / 26 but I don't know what the 6 means (maybe some special character.)

Lawrence Wilkinson                          lawrence at ljw.me.uk
The IBM 360/30 page                   http://www.ljw.me.uk/ibm360

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