On 2/2/2017 7:28 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 02/02/2017 05:59 PM, Ian S. King wrote:
OK, I'm going to give the minimalist/cheap-bastard perspective.  I've
done some solid troubleshooting with my HP 1630G. Sure, it only has a
1K event memory, but the triggering options are pretty flexible.
With some creativity, you can focus on the behavior you need to
observe.  It can self-clock or externally clock, with three separate
clock inputs.  I've used it to find some pretty obscure race
conditions (one-shots are evil!) and glitches.

No, you're a really cheap bastard if you use a PC printer port as your
logic analyzer.  Believe it or not, there's software out there for that.


I say if it meets your needs, go for it.

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