On Thu, 2 Feb 2017, Ian S. King wrote:

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 4:24 PM, geneb <ge...@deltasoft.com> wrote:

On Thu, 2 Feb 2017, Ian Finder wrote:

WTF did I just read.

Fred in absolutely rare form.  I nearly choked on coffee at the "yodeling
jellyfish" bit. I'd give him fake internet points if I could. :)


Be gentle, Gene.  Ian works for the Evil Ex-Empire and is required as a
term of his indenture to use Outhouse-look, part of the Microsoft Orifice
suite of floating turds.  Even if you set it to do the right thing, it will
randomly choose to once again do the Microsoft Thing.

Sounds like an Intervention may be required. :)


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