I assume that the shutdown of Slysoft (ANYDVD) was facilitated by DMCA.

On Sat, 11 Feb 2017, Eric Smith wrote:
I don't know, but I rather doubt it.  The MPAA and/or studios would have
publicized a victory against Slysoft.

That would make sense. At least as far as I understand it, and would seem like that would be more important to them than keeping silent to avoid greater public awareness of the existence of such work-arounds.

I don't have a good grasp of any of the details about how such things work, nor even of who the players actually are. And information seems to be sparse.
seems to state that it was the doing of AACS-LA,
but how reliable are they?

On Sat, 11 Feb 2017, dave.g4...@gmail.com wrote:
AnyDVD appears to be still available outside Germany...

But SlySoft did shut down, claiming "legal pressure"
RedFox, who surfaced as the new distributor, is presumably mostly the same people, resurfacing as a "new" company "to continue the fight". 'course some conspiracy theorists speculate that that was just to be able to clear out the "lifetime" licenses. Apparently the more recent versions will not work without an internet link to the distributor's servers.

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