On 03/10/2017 01:40 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
A stretch with no transitions occurs of course at the block boundary (the gap). It also apparently occurs in other spots, for a few bit times: tape marks seem to consist of two frames separated by a few clocks worth of blank space. Ditto between data and block check frame(s), if I remember right.
The classic NRZI definition for 800 BPI 9-track is that there is a 2-character gap after the end of the user data block, then the CRC and LRCC characters follow. We had some tapes made on out IBM 360 that had little short gaps all over them, as they had the machine misconfigured and were exceeding memory bandwidth. The IBM could read them fine. I think they only detected the big gap to define the end of the record. Our DEC controllers all used the 2-character gap to detect where the block was ending. No way to fix that if the hardware tape control decided those gaps were the end of data.


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