On Tue, 14 Mar 2017, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Mar 14, 2017, at 1:46 PM, geneb via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

Although I suppose you might have been talking about the software. I mean,
without that whole display/windows/menu/mouse thing he copied from Xerox, to 
allow ordinary people to use a computer, where would we be?

Fixed that for ya. :)

Two problems with this repetition of a bogus meme:

1. Xerox got pre-IPO Apple stock in exchange for the PARC visits and the chance to use and build on what they saw.

2. What the Apple folks saw and what was implemented for Lisa and then Macintosh were vastly different.

Well hooray for Xerox. Apple still obtained the concepts from Xerox, regardless of the mechanism.

- The one-button mouse.
Yeah, god forbid you confuse the poor user with more than one button.

interfaces. They weren’t just “copied from Xerox.” If you sit someone who knows how to use a Mac in front of a circa-1979 Xerox Alto, they’ll be pretty mystified.

That's providing you can find one that won't panic and find a safe space after being exposed to a multi-button mouse. :)

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