On 2017-03-15 8:30 PM, Philipp Hachtmann via cctalk wrote:
Hi folks,

this might be quite interesting for the folks that miss front panel
switch handles!

As some of you might know I'm currently working (a bit) on a new batch
of Omnibus USB boards. And I have announced that there will be a kind of
handle for the boards this time... I went to my neighbour and showed him
some bits and pieces. He has a nice little workshop for concrete artwork
(https://www.fritzundfranz.com/) and spent a lot of time into perfecting
his moulding skills.
I gave him a pdp8/e yellow switch handle with broken axle (usual
problem) to try what can be done.
Today I came home and he gave me the piece saying that he was unable to
replicate it. I took it (a bit frustrated) and stated that he has
somehow ruined the surface... Haha! It was the replica!
He told me that this was a first "fast" shot including a "rough"
approximation of the colour.

I was stunned!

Here you can see pictures. Even the defects of the original have been


Please give some feedback!

Alright, I will!

While obviously a first cut, this is amazing, you and your neighbour should be complimented. This kind of creativity and hard work really helps retrocomputing restorers. Kudos to you both.


Philipp :-)

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