This might be a tempest or shielded vaxstation? Anyone speculate or know for sure.

The vendor may have these mixed in as equivalent to their other vaxstations. If you search for "DEC vax VS42A-BN" you end up back at the vendors listing for the ones with plastic covers. I didn't turn up any info yet, not hoping to. but the thing has what appears to be optical, and a huge connector which may be shielded SCSI on the back.

I can't tell from the front, but there may be a hatch to allow it to be opened and a floppy inserted, not sure from
the photos.


Kind of an interesting device.

I looped back into the vendors listings to this auction for the plastic topped version, by the way


It is badged VT-1300 so may not be a vaxstation. And the other box may be one of the VT-1300's
that is tempest or shielded.


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