On 16/06/17 18:30, Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote:
I have had multiple interesting and useful answers. Thanks everyone.

I checked on VMS 7.3 and there is no COPY/IMAGE there. BACKUP/IMAGE had been my 
first thought, but it won't accept a tape as the source of the image data 

I have a TZ30, so I will try that on Ultrix. I will also try a more recent Unix 
(Debian probably) on an Alpha and see if that can read from a later drive.

May last resort is to write my own VMS QIO-level program to read raw blocks 

Sounds like you're about to try another approach.

If you end up giving VMS another go then this might work:

$ MOUNT/FOREIGN yourtapedevice:


$ COPY yourtapedevice: somefilename.rawdata

I remember doing something similar many years ago to get RT11 data off an RX02 floppy and I think this (or something fairly close to this) should work.

The default blocksize is likely to be 512 bytes so you may need to play with the /BLOCKSIZE qualifier?


Antonio Carlini

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