From: John Wilson <>
>  And what was that Z8000-based BASIC coprocessor (or at least,
> I think that was the only software for it) on a long ISA card?  He did
> some crazy stuff!

Indeed.  Z8001/Trump Card was in the May & June 1984 issues of Byte.
There was a BASIC and a C compiler.  I heard that it was a minor
commercial success as some big company used them as a DB accelerator
of some sort using custom programming.  Would be interesting to track
down that story.

I vaguely recall Ciarcia did a 68000 or 32000 ISA card, but my
google-fu fails me; probably misremembering.

The video board for the SB180 was very cool, featuring an HD63484
video controller.  Pretty advanced stuff back in those days.


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