On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> You know, I do a fair amount of this stuff.  The confidential/secret
> stuff I keep that way (e.g. 100 tapes that I'm doing for NASA this
> summer), but there's also a fair amount of public stuff that I do have
> permission to share.   I've done the hard work in translating the data
> to something recognizable (e.g. CDC 6-bit display code) but don't have a
> clue as to what to do with it, if anything.
> I'll occasionally post an offer over at VCFed, but have never gotten
> much interest going there, so I don't bother nowadays.
> Much of the data is already known; for instance, yet another set of AT&T
> Unix SysVR4 tapes.  (One wonders how many copies of this were made).
> But there are some tidbits that I haven't seen anywhere else.
> Any interest in this?
We are always looking for Multics software; especially the unbundled
network stack tapes.

-- Charles


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