On 7/24/17 9:23 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

>     > Sadly, Texsleeves are no longer made, they are the best.
> Yes, I'm bummed about that.
> What's the recommended replacement?

Guy might have some ideas, I use lint-free cloth wrapped around the old 
Texwands I still have.
The cloth is from bags of 8" square wipes I bought off ebay that came in Unisys 
tape drive
cleaning kits.

The only critical surfaces are the leading edge of the ceramic disk and the 
face. It's pretty
common for crud to accumulate in the holes.

23xx era ceramic heads are really very rugged. As long as the ceramic doesn't 
get scratched they
clean up pretty easily.

Any sorts of smudges on the packs, though, will grow and spread over time as 
the head stops flying

It really is best to recover the data and discard the media. Packs still aren't 
THAT hard to find
I probably still have 100 12-sector packs that I'm slowly working my way 

"Interesting" failure mode I've seen recently is where the plastic lip on the 
opening where the spring
is will crack off, putting the door spring against the surface of the platter 
which leaves a big scratch
into the oxide. No fun.

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