So,  back in December I put out a call for help on CH Wiki content:

    > looking at the list of 'wanted pages' on the Computer History' wiki:
    > the top page or so of entries are all about various Vaxen.
    > Is there a volunteer our there to sign up as an editor there ..
    > ... to start writing up VAX content?

but although several people were interested, we had issues with Tore being
not up to dealing with account creation.

This has now been cleared; Tore has put up accounts for all the requests he
could find, and he's also made me an 'admin' on the wiki, so I can create
accounts. So if you would like to add/edit content there, please let me know,
and I can create an account for you. (Send me the desired account name.)

I'm also available for any other admin-type activities (e.g. merging
duplicate articles).

So, let's get rolling on more content! I've been hard at work on PDP-11
stuff, and that's in much better shape, but since that's all I'm into,
everything else is in sad need! :-)

I'd really like to see the Computer History wiki become a central repository
for classic computer info. Right now, there are a lot of pages scattered all
over the Web on various topics (I just found out about a PDP-6 one), but it's
not organized, easy to find, etc, etc. I hope the CH wiki can become the first
stop for all this information.


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