Thanks for all the suggestions, I am still a little undecided on what to do, so 
I have a few follow-up questions

1. Pete, you said to use solder paste and associated flux. I had a look on the 
Farnell site and there seem to be quite a few different types. I don't really 
understand the difference (for example what does "activated" mean?). Can you 
suggest a reasonable general purpose option? What flux would need to go with it?

2. This talk of cracking out the bottom piece is interesting as I was looking 
at the socket I have bought, and reaching some of the corner pins will be 
tricky if using an iron from above. But what does it mean when people say 
putting the bottom piece back in? The socket I have is one-piece, to take out 
the bottom you have to break it off, so what use is it to put the bottom piece 
back? If there are two-piece sockets that make the bottom piece removable I 
have not been able to find them.

3. Am I right that one suggestion (from Shadoooo) is to pre-solder the pads on 
the board instead of on the socket? I already use leaded-solder by the way.



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