On 9/15/2017 2:25 PM, Brent Hilpert via cctalk wrote:
  (~mid-80s, well before opening of the 'net to public access), some 
guy-off-the-street came into the uni. comp sci department wanting a connection 
to the arpa/internet
I had to finesse my way onto the internet pre Software Tool and Die.  I was one of their earlier customers, and still use j...@world.std.com as my main "reach me forever" email.  It's been around as long as I have on the internet.

I had access thru people letting me play before that and before that though it was not on the internet was happy to play with Multics @ USL for probably 10 years, up to shutdown of the system.  Also had dialup to TSO at the University of Missouri Columbia, courtesy of the materials research department.

Neither site was Arpanet, and I didn't have to keep quiet about it for any reason other than people shared accounts with me, and you didn't share that information.

I have not had time to read about Pournelle, will be interested.

While people are tuned into Arpanet, I noticed that UCSD had some Microdata 800s on Arpanet.  I'd be interested if anyone here was on, or knows anyone who would recall it.  I can produce diagrams, but would like to know who put them in and what they did.  Looked like smart controllers between the network and devices and a 360/65.


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