The Little Orphan Tomy Tutor site has finally been updated again:

* Tutti II 2.0, the tape-enabled Tomy Tutor emulator, is updated with lots of
  core fixes (including a new ALU core derived from MAME/MESS), improved
  faster graphics with fixed 9918A palette, and all-new high quality
  SN76489AN sound emulation. Still running on any Power Mac or Intel Mac
  from 10.4 to 10.12 (and AltiVec-accelerated on G4 and G5 computers).

* New demotapes (compatible with Tutti II), including four of the Japanese
  Pyuuta cassette "games" converted for American systems, and another James
  Host masterpiece BASIC game.

* Expanded BASIC programming section with more keywords.

* More screenshots and entries on the Tomy Tutor catalogue.

* Updated trade list.

* Other custodial changes.

See you there:

Next up is some additional photos, particularly of my Pyuuta PR1000 cassette
deck and the Pyuuta-kun I got off Yahoo! JP, and some upgrades for XTOMYDEV
to do proper quantization of sound input on a wider array of systems. I'm
hoping to have that done in a couple more months.

------------------------------------ personal: --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. -- Gore Vidal ---------------

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