HOWEVER, a variant of "Boyle's Law" warns that software and content
will expand to fit all available space and speed.

On Thu, 29 Mar 2018, allison via cctalk wrote:
We have proof and it is us.

Or, as Walt Kelly ("Pogo") said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

I posited that 2 decades ago in a wired article.  My CP/M machine booted
in seconds while waiting for
the winders box to decide if it would/could.

"The new machine is so much faster, that it can almost get out of its own way!"

It is hideous.   But you need the picture. <insert snark>

How should I react to the college administator who told me, "You're not seeing the big picture"? :-) I was considering defenestration.

HTML has helped that along.
HTML is not nearly so bad its slightly bigger than runoff only wordier.
However that we need HTML for a screen of text is, yes, bad!
I blame WYSISWYG, and Postscript!  WYGINS  (for those that forgot, What
You Get Is No Surprise)
from the days before high resolution printers.

Nothing wrong with a markup language. It's the application to inappropriate uses. WYSIWYG was touted as being professional approach. But the typesetter who I used to use never needed, nor wanted, a PICTURE of how a line of text would look with the fonts he chose. I did a lot of my early work in YAFIYGI (You Asked For It, You Got IT) systems, such as manually embedding Cordata or PCL font commands in my text.

One college administrator managed that with ease.  He created the memo
. . . But, that was almost a decade ago.  I wonder whether he is now
attaching MP4s?

Eep, the man is batty.

I feel guilty about not having defenestrated the college administration.

Dancing kangaroos and yodelling jellyfish has let form triumph over
content!   When will we finally have smell-o-vision?
Please no, smell-o-vision.  I can see the hackers going for the cross
between skunk, pepperspray,
and some toxic chemical mess.   Obviously a Blacktooth perpiheral.

It will need a Fart virus.

Yes, certainly, the hardware is much faster, and has more storage space.
Yet, the task takes longer, and storage space runs out just as quickly.
Thats the whole sad story.   It is why I still run CP/M, RT-11 and even
a DECMate!  All hail fanfold!

Allison is wonderful!
Somebody who understands what I've been ranting about!
"So, THIS is 'progress'?"

Grumpy Ol' Fred       

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