On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 4:56 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.di...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I _think_ I'm seeing is the Python code sends a mode switch
> command to get the dial box to auto-send dial events, so I wonder if
> there are any firmware differences with units destined for HP and
> units destined for SGI.  They could behave the same way when in the
> same mode, but perhaps they are coming up in different modes.  It's of
> course quite likely that I have a broken unit and there are no
> internal differences.

FWIW, the microcontroller inside my HP A4362A dial box is a Motorola
MC68HC705C4A with a stick on paper label with the number 109315-0001.
It's a soldered down PLCC-44 package. If it was in a socket I'd remove
it and try to dump the firmware if it's not read protected. If your
dial box happens to have the same 109315-0001 number on the
microcontroller then my assumption would be that the firmware is
likely the same. If the number is different, no telling how different
the firmware might be.

The number etched on the component side of the PCB is 109202-0001 REV A.

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