On 08/09/2018 09:39 PM, W2HX via cctalk wrote:
> Hello friends. I need a translation from a German manual describing serial 
> port parameters. I used google translate but it  doesn't quite give me the 
> warm and fuzzy. Anyone here speak German? Here is what it says:
> Betriebsart:  Asynchron 16
> Zeichenlänge:  7 bit (mit Sperrschritt)
> Parity: gerade
> Länge Sperrschritt: 1 bit
> Google says:
> Operating mode: Asynchronous 16
> Character length: 7 bit (with blocking step)
> Parity: straight
> Length of blocking step: 1 bit
> First, anyone have any idea what Asynchronous 16 means? (async I get, but 
> "16"?)
> 7 bit with blocking step. Could this mean 7 bit with stop bit?
> Parity: straight. Could this mean odd or even?
> Length of blocking step. Could this be number of stop bits?

I don't know what they mean by Asynchron 16 but the rest ins quite normal.

For Parity "gerade" means even.
"Sperrschritt" is Stop Bits.

So you have:
   7 bit
   even parity
   one stop bit.

It's possible that the 16 refers to baud rate.  Is there a table of any 
kind in
the manual?  Is it big?  Could you provide a scan?

bill  KB3YV (formerly DA1WO)

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