On 10/19/18 9:55 AM, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:
> well i  have  some  clicky  keyboards and   yea  love the   feedback  clak  
> when I type  but the   usual off the rack  frys    usb  thing is  problematic 

I've got a bunch of Model Ms scattered around here.  I remember when
Surplus Software in Portland was selling the new surplus ones for
something like $15 each.

Personally, having learned to touch-type on a manual typewriter, I
prefer the clickety sound.  IBM Wheelwriter typewriters used to drive me
nuts due to the out-of-sync sound of the type hammer and the keypress.

Those who learned to touch-type in the post-Selectric era probably don't
have the problem.

So, at least I have an excuse.  The model Ms work fine for me--I use one
of the PCPlay-based USB keyboard+mouse adapters.  But then, I'm not a


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