Yes, a company I was working for OEMed what because IBM's X25Net software and it was ported to their RTIC i960 cards from our own homegrown i960 cards.

The IBM group we worked with was in La Gaude France but we heard the RTIC cards were developed in Boca Raton, FL.

We ran VxWorks on them.


On 11/4/2018 10:42 AM, Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez via cctalk wrote:
William Donzelli wrote:
So, what is this i960-based card for?
They were the routers. At the core nodes of the network, there would
be a big RS/6000s (very early POWER1 types) that would each do about
4-5 high speed interfaces (FDDI, HSSI, and 10base2). Each interface
was one of these cards, so each of the big RS/6000s would have about
4-5 of these cards.

IBM tried to commercialize the design, but it was doomed - the routing
engines were very fast, but the internet quickly outgrew the
architecture of the engines, and they apparently needed a complete
redesign to compete. IBM did release very few of these RS/6000s to the
public (I think RS/6000-320Hs with a fancy tag - machine type 6767?).
I have only seen one of these routers in the wild, but most of the
real NSFnet ones (I was decommissioning them, one time with a Sawzall
because of some live tangled cables).

Could it be related to what you
say in your post?
Possibly related, but that card is not one of the NSFnet ones.

After searching the web for a while, I finally discovered what this is:  the key is that it is a "2-O" mca adapter, and it is a V.35 communications adapter.  But I also learned that IBM produced a series of adapters hosting an i960 consisting of a processor card and a daughter card; the daughter card would have the specifics for the kind of interface that was implemented (rs232, rs422, X.25, etc).  These adapters were called "ARTIC960 coprocessors".  They were first produced for microchannel, later for PCI.  You could develop code for it in an rs/6000 system, and then load on the adapter and run it:


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