I had the bug to do something similar.. then I found SuperCard Pro. It's closed hardware but the USB protocol is fully documented. Because if that, it's almost a perfect commodity turn-key hardware bridge to raw flux-level transitions - in or out. It's $100 and in-stock. One could always build custom hardware, but you'd wind up with something very similar in hardware and protocol design. What's your time worth?

The heavy lift is always in software. There is an open-source Amiga disk image utility package that has turned into something more flux-level generic called Keirf Utilities. And the built-in software is also descent. But since the USB protocol is documented, the hardware capabilities can be extended by anyone.


On 2019-01-09 15:12, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
On 1/9/19 12:05 PM, Torfinn Ingolfsen via cctalk wrote:
Less finished (ok, unfinished) project

Just what the world needs, more half-baked floppy reading hardware
and no software, just like the stupid thing on hackaday.


Universal joy through the reinvention of the wheel (badly)

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