On 2019-01-28 9:19 p.m., Lyle Bickley via cctalk wrote:
On Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:04:42 -0800
Al Kossow via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:


this is interesting because of the price and that all of the Sun
drives I've ever come across had the 800bpi option in them
That's been my experience, too. The 88780 I use is a Sun drive with

What I love about these drives is that each track is adjustable
electronically for skew - which means one can adjust it to read
incorrectly skewed tapes without having to adjust/move the tape head!
(Of course, you have to re-adjust it "back" to normal - which makes it
something you want to do only when absolutely necessary).

I only wish the 88780's tape handling was a bit more "gentle"...


I recall from my field service days these where a pretty fast streamer and very reliable.

I remember one customer that had one and their data center manager had bought some used tapes from a friend, these tapes where in such bad shape that one of them stuck to the head hard enough to stall the reel motor, which resulted in a billable service call.  Next time I went back the data center manager and his tapes where gone.

Another call I went on for something other than one of these tape drives, as I am going into the data center I pass a guy pulling tape out of the front of the drive, I thought it looked weird but didn't say anything.  It was a quick call and on my way out I stopp3ed and asked what he was doing and he told me the drive missed the EOT marker and wound completely onto the drive reel and he was now removing it by pulling it out by hand.  I told him he could have saved himself a lot of trouble and not destroyed the tape if he had just wound a few feet onto the supply reel manually, and then a quick load, reset and rewind his reply was "Oh no that would never work!" I was like ok what ever, but by that point it didn't really matter as he already had half a 3600 foot reel in a heap in front of him.


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