Sorry, but no. It?s grossly offensive for things that work perfectly well and 
that someone might actually find useful to go to scrap. There?s tons of useless 
and broken junk that our civilization can mine for scrap, we don?t need to 
actually destroy things that have actual value.

If someone isn?t able to sell for the price they?d like to get, maybe the 
market won?t bear that price and they need to lower it. Scrapping should be a 
course of last resort, a way to recover value from something you can?t even 
give away, not a competing outlet for goods.

  -- Chris

While I also don't like scrapping out things that work or can be repaired relatively easily, a saying I use in a variety of situation is "don't force your limitations on me, I have enough of my own."

That said, I VERY much appreciate the free pile at VCFMW that allows me to get rid of stuff that will go to a good home rather than go to landfill or scrap (I DON'T DO EBAY!!!) Many times I find free to be far to expensive for most people including myself (think postage/shipping/prep time.)

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