On 4/1/19 9:56 PM, Josh Dersch wrote:
> Based on:
> "/netnix bad magic 407
> netinit failed"
> it looks like the networking portion of the kernel (built into /netnix) 
> was either not built correctly, or not installed properly.  Any errors 
> when building netnix?  Do you have a netnix in the build directory for 
> the kernel?  Does it match the one in root?

That one was on me.  I missed the NETHERS in the config.  Networking
now works.

> As for the serial lines, the line "autoconfig: warning: more than three 
> handlers for device tty1 on line 36." sounds suspicious. 

No doubt about that, but I don;t know what it means and I don't
remember ever seeing it when I ran 2.09 many years a go.

> I'm not 
> entirely sure that the output from autoconfig indicates failure here -- 
> did you create the device files in /dev corresponding to the serial lines?

Yep.  Made the devices in /dev.  Looks like autoconfig is either not
finding the devices or not finding the proper drivers for those devices.


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