Noel Chiappa via cctalk writes:

> I assume he knew what he was talking about (via his Web-site engineering
> people). I suppose I could research it, but I don't have the time right
> at the moment. I'd love to hear if anyone else knows more.

It is true. Google now marks any site that is not using HTTPS as
"insecure", and uses that as a negative weight in their rankig

I have mixed feelings about this. I do think that FORCING people to use
TLS encryption is a bad thing. On the other hand, we live in strange
times -- many ISPs are intercepting HTTP traffic and injecting content
into the pages. Using TLS encryption is an effective way to avoid this
(for now). I personally enforce TLS on all my sites just for that

>       Noel


Seth Morabito
Poulsbo, WA, USA

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